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02:10 Publié dans It-Thing | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)


Inspired by Fashion Toast Rumi Neely

rumi IMG_0126.jpgrumi img0101y.jpgrumi IMG_9945.jpgrumi IMG_9958.jpgrumi IMG_9964.jpgrumi IMG_0040c-1.jpgrumi IMG_0044.jpgrumi IMG_9859.jpg> Vintage Escada cardigan and slipdress ::

> Topshop button vest, ::

> H&M scarf and tights ::

> Balenciaga bag ::

> Acne Atacoma wedges ::

Fashion Toast Rumi Neely's Personal Jewelry

  • rumi IMG_0641.jpgthe studded/stackable rings are from Forever 21..bought last winter I think?
  • the knuckle ring and cross earrings are Elizabeth and James, absolute staples
  • the blue shield ring I bought at a ramshackle store on the PCH
  • the watch (I use the term loosely since I haven't actually taken it to someone who can make it functional since buying it) is vintage..probably the only watch I've ever liked in my life, I'm largely uninterested in knowing what time it is
  • the interlocking/woven-look ring is on semi-permanent borrow from my beloved Kristin
  • and since I'm morbidly addicted to the stuff, here's what I'm contemplating right now: free people crystal palace ring + pamela love cross ring + iosselliani feather cuff

23:45 Publié dans It-Thing | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)