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Alexander McQueen Clutch



Erin Wasson Vintage Bustier

erin wasson 3 (3).jpgerin asos image1xxl.jpgReceived last week the Erin Wasson-like vintage bustier I found at asos.com : I'm thrilled cos I missed 2 Ebay auctions ! Can't wait to find an event to wear it...


May I introduced to you my new it-bag : the Alexander Wang Coco

!BWuRfsw!mk~$(KGrHgoH-C8EjlLlh!lGBKY0t(TVQ!~~_12.jpg!BVcuJK!B2k~$(KGrHgoH-DIEjlLlul7eBKSkER)RS!~~_12.jpg> I just received it last saturday and I'm totally in love with !

> Of course, I admit it's bcz I'm totally obsessed with AW stuffs and studs ::

> And it doesn't bother me at all that the studs are golden ones, bcz they're between copper and gold (and not blingy), it's new compared to the silver hardwares I already have on my other bags like my Balenciaga ones //

!BVcuL3g!Wk~$(KGrHgoH-EIEjlLlzEZJBKSkE,g5JQ~~_12.jpg!BVcuLHg!Wk~$(KGrHgoH-DEEjlLl1RtcBKSkEYPbjg~~_12.jpg!BWuRj4w!2k~$(KGrHgoH-C4EjlLl0-E2BKY0tiFfow~~_12.jpg> I'm now the twin-bag sister of MK Olsen ha ha !

> Completely love the fashion show outfit you can see on the pix, it's an inspiration for the coming winter...