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Zip it Body Chain

070609237__79254.jpg070609236__89172.jpg070609235__59898.jpg070609232__33865.jpg070609233__95225.jpg> I SAW THIS BODY CHAIN A LOT OF TIMES ON PIX BUT NEVER KNEW WHERE TO FIND THIS FASCINATING THING : SPOTTED AT NASTY GAL TOO.

11:02 Publié dans It-Thing | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)

Erin Wasson's Feathers Crown Headband

072809078__67058.jpg072809076__44979.jpg072809077__69067.jpgI was totally desperate to have missed this feathers crown headband at Topshop - the same one I saw on Erin Wasson's head : just spotted it at Nasty Gal. If the shipping fees are not too high, I really need to order it. Don't know WHEN I could wear it (my cosmic fashion sista said : AT HOME ha ha), but it doesn't matter. When your brain is devastated by fashion stuff, your life is over.


Inspired by Style Like U

Elizabeth Ammerman from Stylelikeu.com from Stylelikeu on Vimeo.